Monday, October 4, 2010

About Brian

For now, I say goodbye to my time with Brian McGinnis and my computer use lessons at the Westhampton Free Library. It's been about a year now that Brian has been my computer guru and my friend. He's helped me design my Lulu Storefront, Facebook Page and most importantly my blog Being With You.

His great talents and abilities have made my media platform beautiful and magical for me, helping my creative visions and ideas come alive. It has been so much more than I ever dreamed could be, linking me and my book/blog ideas to the world. Before life with Brian, I could just manage on the computer my email. So I took baby steps with my learning curve with him as my teacher and guide through the maze of the internet world.

What a great teacher he has been for me, so patient, supportive and able to speak to me in a simple way that I can understand, apply and work with. When I make mistakes or get stuck somewhere with my work, it's Brian who easily helps to to relax knowing it's okay, and gently guiding me to a place of understanding of what to do and how to solve the problem.

For me Brian has been both a great Teacher and Friend and I will always be grateful for what he has given and done for me in the world of my work and the internet. Today I am more comfortable and confident working on the interent and doing the writing, sharing of myself with others.

Thank you again Brian and I bless you in my life. love, light    Katrina

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