Monday, May 17, 2010


Dear Friends, I wrote this at 7:54am 15th of May.

Been up early,now I'm back/ present in my body after a deep period of meditation.
I can hear the flap of air swooshing. I just know it's Papa Swan flying into our waterfront here putside our home in Westhampton. I walk over to our living room area then open all the windows that look onto the waterfront. I expect to see my darling swan friend,I know it has to be Papa Swan because Mama swan I believe who just had her baby signets I'm sure she's somewhere out there taking care of their babies.

I keep looking out the window and I'm a little surprised that I don't see my swan friend. Fred comes into the room-I share with him that I heard Papa Swan fly in but I don't see. a few minutes go by,I leave Fred to go on and make us a good cup of tea. I can see Fred outside our kitchen window. He walks into the house,comes over and tells me he's just found Papa Swan waiting to be fed by our dock.

Oh yes, I am excited to find him and I grab some of the swans favorite bread-12 grain of course, and now go out to feed him. Fred reminded me yesterday when we fed the swan family altogether, -Mama,Papa,their 5 signets,just how much Papa Swan had been aretaking Mama-now their signets and so that's why Mama&Papa are so hungry.

This early morning when I was out by the water's edge feeding and praising my swan friend,I told him outloud what a great job he's been doing with Mama and their babies.

Today my time with my swan friend got me very in touch with the Truth of Higher Wisdom,that the Love,the Unconditonal Love in our lives that we give freely and receive freely is all that really matters.

Loving unconditionally is the Source and Sum Total of who we All are now and forever.

I love you all always, Katrina

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