In a way I dreaded the idea of making this trip. I guess because in my heart I had made my peace
with him on my last visit a few weeks before. But in my meditations, my Master Teacher's had
made it very clear to me of the importance of my trip and to expect something
of spiritual importance to take place for me there.
Upon arriving at Bill's home, my sweet friend Eileen, Bill's English wife came towards me as I walked into their house. She greeted me with a loving voice and my heart felt happy to see her face again.
Standing there I also knew I was present to honor Bill and give Eileen love.
Sitting now in the front pew of the Church, I am starting to experience waves of Peaceful Energy
even as Bill's coffin is being brought down the aisle draped in the American flag, Bill had served in three wars:
World War 11, Korea and Vietnam.
I realized as I watched his coffin being escorted by four men in velvet capes,white feather plums in their hats, swords at their sides, that Bill was also a Knight of Columbus and the knights came to honor and give a formal send-off to their fellow knight, Bill.
After the service began, I hear loving prayers being prayed for Bill, then member's of the family come forward to talk about their father, who was also a great friend to many.
In this Church Bill's will leave and go on his last Earth bound journey to the place he had chosen to rest.
Most importantly he has been re-born in his Soul's true spiritual body.
I looked over my shoulder during the service and saw my other brother,David sitting there looking so sad
and often crying.
Seeing him like this only increased the Energies of Love and Compassion in me. Brother David was a person in my life, I've always felt a bit distant and not really connected to.. I know we both had many reasons why we did not speak or see each other for a long,long time. Last time I remember seeing him was at my mother's funeral many moons ago.
Sitting here in this Church I am amazed with the feelings I'm experiencing maybe for the first time in my life of real love and compassion flowing from me to David.
For sure some kind of a healing miracles has happened here today for me. I hear now the voice of the the Priest who out loud says a prayer,then ending by asking us all to share the Peace of God with the person/person's that may be close to us.
At this moment I feel a strong pull to get out of my pew and go over to David. When I get close to him, I put my arms around him,gently give him a hug.
For me I can say in this moment it's a time of Redemption for me.
In some way it's a new beginning with him and other Souls in my life, a time I can express and share deeper levels of Unconditional Love with all souls.
I see it as a Crisis of Opportunity to open my heart, give and let myself be open to become a more
unconditionally loving Child of God.
Several months ago, I was invited by my Master Teacher's in one of my meditations, to work on healing my relationship issues with all of my four brother's.
Clearly it was time for me to say yes to what I was being asked to do.
This invitation to do this particular healing work them came to me months before
I was ever given notice of Bill's grave physical condition.
At the time it seemed a bit crazy to me to be given this healing/working assignment.
It's not until now when I'm sitting in this Church and seeing/feeling the pain of David than I can hear in my Soul his call for love.
I am experiencing new levels of crystal clarity of why I'm here and it's all about my healing and others.
Memories cross my mind of the last time I saw Bill alive and the new levels in my life of some kind of peace that I finally came to have with him..
Before saying goodbye I gifted him and Eileen a copy of my book Don't Let Me Drift Too Far
and shared with them pictures in the book of me during different times in my life's healing journey's.
Later when driving away with Fred, I was very much in-touch with a sense of deep relief and feeling free from my past. There is still a lot more healing to be put in place with my relationships, especially with my brother's. I wish that all the relationships in my life were in a complete state of wholeness, and healed.
But the reality is that I'm in a process that goes on in this lifetime of mine. I must trust that whatever healing possible for me to process will take place.
Dear friends, today I want to Celebrate the great gifts of healing I've had in my life up until today.
Perhaps this helps to shine more Light on a great spiritual Truth that the healing I have experienced during
my crisis of opportunity comes directly from the force of the Love Energy of the Divine.
My story is the same story for all Souls here in body, who can choose to heal their lives by the opening
of one's heart and mind to the Force of the Divine that's always Present and available to work
with us in our lives.
I share with you love of my Soul to your Soul
always, Katrina